Breakfast for Dinner, for Brunch

I’ve taken a long hiatus, mainly because I got trapped in that thought loop where nothing I made or ate was blog-worthy, which in fact made it absolutely blog-worthy, which in turn made it… just never get written about. This post is actually about what I had for brunch, but it was so completely tasty that I’m going on record with it anyway.

Yesterday I finally opened up the March issue of Food and Wine. Since I was a Gourmet-reading teenager, I’ve enjoyed receiving at least one food-related periodical during most years of my life. This issue was full of “Gaaaaah!” moments and I found that my love of things foodish was waking up from some sort of winter’s nap. Perfect timing: it just so happened that I was expecting a brunch guest for today and I couldn’t not make the porridge recipe (link below). I ended up slicing the bananas differently (in thirds, then halved lengthwise) and using brown sugar sprinkled over plenty of (salted) butter to cook them. I also turned them so that both sides were a nice light brown. Added about two pinches more salt to the porridge. The almonds were a nice touch. Didn’t use cream, but it could be pleasant. I paired it with multiple cups of strong coffee and some unfortunately-mediocre bacon. Four thumbs up, between my guest and me (good enough that my bowl was half-eaten before I realized I had not taken a photo).

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