Day 32 – Lisa – Long time no talk

You haven’t heard from me for quite awhile for one simple reason, I haven’t cooked since the last time I posted.  I’ve cooked breakfast, lunch, frozen dinners, and microwave popcorn but I haven’t cooked a complete homemade dinner this whole time.  You know what else, I’m not feeling all that guilty about it.  I’ve had some good sushi, pizza, and Italian food so don’t worry about my health.  All is good.

Day 22 – Lisa – Bison Bad

Tonight I made bison burgers.  They weren’t good.  They weren’t juicy and fatty like burgers should be and really if I’m going to eat a burger, I want it juicy and fatty.  I stir fried some vegetables as a side dish and put some yummy strawberries out.  My kids had left over pasta because the bison burgers didn’t look too appealing.  Next time I’m hungry for burgers . . . I’m going to have burgers.

Day 21 – Lisa – Hodge Podge

Today was a catch up day in that my daughter and I got home last night after a weekend of college visits.  I didn’t motivate to make dinner until 5:30 which wasn’t really much motivation.  So my kids had pasta with butter, I had leftover salad, and the hubby had a frozen Indian dinner.  I did manage to put a berry salad together so that I could feel better about the hodge podge.

Lisa – Day 16 – Shabbat Shalom

This past summer I was lucky enough to go to Israel with a group of women from Chicago and hundreds of women from around the country.  All of them mothers.  Our first night in Israel, after a beautiful sunset dinner in the north side of the country, we were told that the bodies of three missing Israeli teens had been found.  Thus began a profoundly heartbreaking, yet incredibly meaningful trip.

The women I traveled with became true friends as we learned, mourned, and celebrated our culture and religion.  It was one of the most important weeks of my life as I became more committed to my faith and to Israel and it’s people.  Observant Jews celebrate the Sabbath beginning at sundown on Friday until sundown on Saturday.  The Shabbat meal plays an important role (Jews and food, who knew!) in the beautiful tradition of the Shabbos and it was one of the best experiences on our trip.

Last night one of the leaders from our trip invited my family to her home for Shabbat dinner.  There was homemade challah, matzo ball soup, roasted chicken and potatoes, a maple syrup cake for dessert and the absolute pleasure of being with her and her family.  Whenever I am with one of the women from that trip I feel like I’m home.  I’m with my people, my tribe, and my history.

When I arrived home from Israel I had committed to more family Shabbat dinners, and though I have done a few more than prior to the trip, not as many as I had wanted.  Last night reminded me of the beauty of a day of rest, time with family, prayer, and contemplation, not to mention delicious food.


Day 15 – Lisa – Short Order Style

Today was one of those days in which each family member is coming in as another is going out and meals are just tough to do.  I’m sure some of you can relate.  Daughter was out and couldn’t get home until after 6, hubby working late, son had to leave at 6:15 and I had a call at 6:30.  So son got to pick his short order dinner and he wisely chose a toasted bagel with jelly and Nutella, grapes, and green beans.  Daughter ended up meeting friends for dinner so I cooked for hubby and myself.

Have you tried the Jennie-O Turkey Italian Sausages (sweet)?  They are actually really tasty, easy to make, and low in fat and calories.  I made those with stir fried vegetables and red grapes.  Hubby called to tell me that he was going to be really late so it was me, a good book, and my sweet dog for dinner.  It was rather lovely.

Day 14 – Lisa – PRIDE

Today I was stranded in my home until 3 p.m.  Our garage door opener broke with my car inside and I had to wait for a work man in order to get out of the house.  You might be thinking to yourself, “She had all day to cook, surely she made a feast for her family.”  Surely, you would be wrong!  Too many other things distracted me today; my dog, books, writing, social media, Downton Abbey, and Top Chef to name a few.

By the time my kids got home from school the garage was fixed and I had to take my daughter to a doctor’s appointment.  At that point nothing had been cooked but I had defrosted chicken in the fridge.  So with a minute or two to spare, I threw the chicken (boneless, skinless thighs and breasts) into the crockpot, poured BBQ sauce on top of it, turned it on high and left.

Two hours later I cut up the cooked chicken (see pic below), microwaved green beans (see pic), threw together a berry salad (see pic), made sandwiches (see pic) and pride in dinner was achieved.  Winning.dinner3 dinner2 BBQ Chicken Sandwichdinner4

Day 13 – Lisa F**K C**king!

Up at 6 a.m. and got daughter off to school for finals, 8 a.m. client, 9 a.m. quick workout, shower, and checked on son who didn’t have finals, 10 a.m. in the car heading toward the city and a conference call on the way, 12:00 p.m. gave a talk on anxiety in children, 1:30 p.m. back in car for another conference call, 2:00 p.m. met mentor, 3:30 back in car heading to daughter’s doctor’s appointment and talked to hubby, 4:30 daughter’s doctor’s appointment, 5:30 picked up Noodles & Company for family, 6:15 cajoled hubby into doing first leg of volleyball driving, 7:30 having women’s group leaders over, right now F**k C**king is my new mantra.

Day 12 – Lisa capitulates

Yesterday my oldest went back to school.  Even though he has been in college for over three years, I still feel sad and lonely every time he leaves.  Yesterday was no exception.  One of the few ways that he still lets me mother him is through food.  I can make his favorite dinner or take him out to his favorite restaurant and it’s how I can nurture him and love him up without making him too uncomfortable.  Sending children off into the world is not for the faint of heart.  The first few days that he’s gone are always tough for me.  I walk around with a lump in my throat and a pit in my stomach and the world just feels a bit off.

His siblings seem to feel the same way.  They are always sad to see their big brother go and the house just feels different.  Tonight I had planned on making a new chicken dish and had even purchased all of the ingredients by 9 this morning.  Then my kids came home from school and requested one of their favorite comfort foods, Urban BBQ, a local fast food restaurant.  Well how could I turn those sad faces down?

The BBQ served it’s purpose.  My kids were happy, we found some comfort, and we all felt just a bit better.