
Monkfish with butternut and cabbage

Monkfish with butternut and cabbage

The co-op had a good price on a lovely piece of monkfish, which I’ve enjoyed but never before cooked, so I took it home and seared it and basted it with butter in an iron skillet until it looked like it might have had enough. It was still a tiny bit raw in the middle, and I should have started with a hotter skillet to get a better sear, but we’ll chalk this one up to practice. It wasn’t bad. The cabbage that yesterday was too bitter, I put a spoonful of sugar into, and now it tastes pretty good. The butternut and onions also came from the freezer, so dinner took me no more than half an hour to put on. Now I’m eating a slice of the Jell-O cherry cheesecake Kevin made, for dessert.